Saturday, September 16, 2017

A little background and direction

My name is Ryan and I have always been a lover of movies.  It all started for me when I was taken to go see the Lion King in the Theater as a kid.  This was my first time in a movie theater and between the awesome film that was Timba and Simone (aka The Lion King) and the amazing downtown Seattle theater experience, I was hooked.  My love was deepened later in my formative years when I had both the pleasure and misfortune of working at a video rental store.  This job opened my mind to all the different genres and styles of films there are.

Over the years I have increasingly felt film criticism has started to exist only for the ability to point out what people do not like about a movie or to try to talk over peoples heads like film is some alternate plain of existence.  While I agree that a film should put you into another world for however long it is running, I do not think you should have to have a masters degree or mind altering drugs to understand what the critic is talking about.  I also do not think that every movie needs to be ripped apart and torn down with negative criticism.

My goal in this blog is to provide some insight on whether or not a movie would be worth you time to go see and the reasons why or why not.  It is my aim to not be too negative or over the top but to be honest, and easy to understand.  In my reviews I will be putting more weight on emotional reactions rather than just deep critical review as I feel this has really been missing lately.

I want to give a shout out to Aaron White at who has helped revive my passion of movies lately and has encourage me to start on this journey.

Here we go....

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